Over at our Podzone site http://podzone.tafesa.edu.au/index.php?id=279 I asked whether TAFE should be using Facebook in a recent podcast. Russ Roach responded with some provocative comments arguing that we should not be using Facebook.
I am not a great fan of Facebook as I don’t like the fact that I have to log in to it to communicate with people, but I can see its appeal and strengths. One thing it does do is allow you to embed media (audio, images, movies) taken from other places on the web. It also allows you to use RSS to bring in or export content. And this is state of the art web. Have a look at this page http://protopage.com/tan_tafesa (not a Facebook page) to see how you can use RSS to manage content on the web and bring it in to a single individual or group portal.
Moodle is good but it isn't quite as porous in interacting with the wider web at the moment, but it will get better.
Russ also says that if TAFE students are allowed to use Facebook they won’t do any work. But what do you mean by students Russ? The average age of a TAFE student is late 30’s….and I have a Facebook account and I’m no slacker! But Russ seems to be saying that Facebook has no place in a course of study. Maybe. But some would argue that Facebook is also an ideal tool to use for your eportfolio. Thoughts anyone?